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We try to be as open and fair as possible to our users. Our games are built on proven and tested principles that can be found on most of the biggest gaming portals. More on fairness below.

Fairness of roulette

The most important element of roulette is the winning numbers. We generate the winning numbers before bets are made. To go even further, we generate the winning numbers several roulettes in advance. At the same time we cannot influence these numbers in any way. We can't even read them.

The generated winning numbers can only be read by the roulette itself at the moment when the draw starts. In this way, we spread the risk between the user and us.

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As proof, we provide you with a history of encrypted winning numbers in the table below. For the current winning number, we show you half of the cipher before the actual roulette spin. After a new roulette starts, the number will be then complete and you can verify that the initial half did not change, therefore the number hasn't changed at all.

The hash is created using a key and a server seed [ndhyqr6tbcry2eka], which we change regurarly.

In the following code fill in $publicSeed and $rouletteID. Do not change $serverSeed variable.

Code to verify

History of winning numbers

Roulette ID Winning number Public seed
723514 Y0tSV0pTT0xiZGRU... ---
723513 SVF1aS8rWlYveXpMSkZVekI4QmVUQT09 L6UZC4bP4dCsSUkitHT2
723512 MGt6b3FSRjNXSmIxWnh2T2VYYkxIdz09 ImBQWZ4JUH0vry2hZ1YX
723511 RFd0TVVwVzNRRE5UdTgwQ0x4TzZNdz09 eqxwtO4ey2ofibhBXIrl
723510 ZXE1MFNCQW9hYmZvc1JnNHlUMmlZUT09 16SqRKBkJZ1BqnPdXJ2w
723509 aWw4enBvZThEbU1vRitORDhTbXhIdz09 e5gIC9tGRHbbNun8Wbp0
723508 VzZ0STdIRW5mdi9QZDFrY2pSNzNlZz09 4w2dlo0uY2XUK1xHdaHT
723507 aDk5dTNBRElzdmJoQmhZR3ZEK040QT09 vcCKcYvwGhwI304ZX4A3
723506 UFkrejlQMll6cWFGVVFYU3BPZnptZz09 KBeSpzWTmgwwTp9fArtt
723505 cm9Sb0NMb3JKMTh3TkV5VTJvRzdXdz09 hUf0do9MxqRW8mV0Nxuy

Fairness of booster

To ensure fairness to our players, we generate winning percentags ahead of time similarly to roulette. These winning percentages are generated before spinning the booster, so that we can't change the result in any way.

Every player has their own generated winning percentage. After every booster spin, we generate a new winning percentages for the future spin.

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History of booster results

ID Winning Percentage Hash
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As proof, we provide you with a history of encrypted winning percentages in the table below (each player sees their own results). For the current winning percentage, we show you half of the cipher before the booster spin. After the current booster spin, the number will be then complete and you can verify that the initial half did not change, therefore the number hasn't changed at all.

The hash is created using a key and a server seed [ndhyqr6tbcry2eka], which we change regurarly.

In the following inputs fill in Winning percentage and Hash.