
Support: 0
Players: 0

Account creation

The first step is to create an account. After completing the registration, you will receive a confirmation code and an address for activating the account in your e-mail box. At the page, fill in the received code. Then just log in.

Sign up

Deposit request

To deposit game currency into web currency, you must first create a deposit request. Fill in the amount (in Wons) you want to deposit. Then, the server and the name of the character which you will use to meet our support with on the server. After creating a deposit request, it is important to monitor the details of the request. In the chat, the support will suggest an appointment and provide further details.

In-game transfer

After agreeing with the support, you will meet in the game at the agreed time and trade him the required amount. Within a few minutes, the amount will appear on web as Gems.

Deposit items

To get gems to the game, you can also use "Deposit items". Under "Deposit items", select the item you wish to sell. Now you need to settle on a price with our administrator. After trading in the item, gems will be added to your account, depending on the settled price.


There are several basic elements of roulette. The most important thing is the roulette itself. There are a total of 15 numbers. Users bet on rows of numbers divided by color. (1 to 7) Red, (8 to 14) Black, (0) Green. If you bet on red, it doesn't matter which number roulette stops at, you just have to match the color.
The roulette is activated every minute. The green timer in the upper part of the roulette is used for orientation. The user has 30 seconds to place bets and 30 seconds to prepare a new draw.

How to bet?

Below the roulette wheel is a field for selecting a color and the amount you wish to deposit. Once confirmed, your bet will be shown to all users at the bottom of the screen.


Booster is a well known game, usually connected with upgrading your skins in CS:GO or other game items. The base of the game is High Risk/High Reward.

How to play?

The most important part of the game is the spinner, there is a green bar on the spinner which shows the winning space, where the arrow has to stop in order for the player to win.

The player before he spins the booster, can choose what his percentage to win is going to be. Increasing this percentage lowers his winning multiplier.

Withdraw request

Requesting a withdrawal proceeds similarly as requesting a deposit. You fill in the amount (this time in Gems), the nickname of the character and the server on where you want to meet with support. After agreeing on the details and time, you will meet again with one of our characters and we will trade you the required amount.

Maximum possible withdrawal

You can withdraw only the amount of gems you have already used to play roulette or any other game. The maximum withdrawable gem amount is calculated based on your bet size and the outcome of your bet.

  • If you bet 10 gems on RED on roulette and you lose, your possible withdrawal amount will increase by 10.
  • If you bet 10 gems on RED on roulette and you win, your possible withdrawal amount will increase by 20 (10 bet size + 10 winnings)
  • If you bet 10 gems on GREEN on roulette and you win, your possible withdrawal amount will increase by 140 (10 bet size + 130 winnings)

So for maximum withdrawable gem amount, we are using the formula:

W = B + P
W = Withdrawal amount | B = Bet size | P = Profit

  • If your maximum withdrawable gem amount is 500 gems and your balance is 350 gems you can withdraw maximum of 350 gems.
  • If your maximum withdrawable gem amount is 350 gems and your balance is 500 gems you can withdraw maximum of 350 gems.

After you submit a request for withdrawal, the requested withdrawal amount will be subtracted from your "Maximum withdrawable gem amount". If your maximum withdrawable gem amount is 500 gems and your requested withdrawal amount is 350 gems you will have remaining 150 gems of possible withdrawal amount.